What's This All About?
Fifteen years ago, I became involved in music ministry at my local church. Services were traditional worship accompanied by organ. We also had an active choir. As newcomers to the congregation, my wife, Teri, and I found places to plug in and use our talents and abilities. We started with four acoustic guitarists. Over the years, we grew into a 10-member worship band, leading musical worship each Sunday.
As a songwriter, this ministry has blessed me many times over. I have had the privilidge of helping people give voice to their praise and worship. Worship has been enriched, and lives have been blessed. I have seen young people grow in faith and musicianship. God's Word tells us to, "Sing to the Lord a new song!" and that's what we continue to do, by the grace of God and the working of the Holy Spirit.
I am grateful for this opportunity to share with you in the neverending worship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May the music you discover here bless you and your ministry. The fields are ripe for the harvest. Let us continue to help others turn toward Jesus by grace.